What topics will be covered? What order will they be covered in?

TLDR: Day 1 - Logic & Proofs, Day 2 - Proof by Induction & Basics of Recurrences, Functions, Set Theory, Counting

Day 1 (Thursday 1/23) will focus on logic and build up to practice with proofs. This correlates to the entire first half of the course, through the midterm exam. Professor Schweitzer places a heavy emphasis on you being able to understand argument building and creating valid proofs, so we will try to cover most definitions and argument forms used in the course and practice using them.

We will start with an assumption of little to no prior knowledge of logic and work our way towards full proofs, defining everything as we go along.

Day 2 (Friday 1/24) will start with Proof by Induction, a crucial type of proof that is also usually one of the hardest to grasp. Then we will touch on several other topics (Recurrences, Functions, Set Theory, Counting) and establish an understanding of fundamental principles in each. There won’t be enough time to go in depth on any of these individually, but the goal is to give enough background so you can keep up when they are covered in the actual course.

See the syllabus for a more detailed topics list.

How will the workshop be structured?

TLDR: Drop in when available, will be mostly hands on with practice

We hope you will be able to stay the full time, but we also understand that people are busy so you can drop in during the times whenever you are able to. However, you will have to follow along from wherever we are in the topics.

We intend to be very hands on (you will get more than enough lecturing in the 200+ size lecture class), similar to how a recitation section might be. The best way to study in this course is by working on and struggling through problems, so the workshop will be a place to learn some fundamentals and practice with them.

Who is running this workshop?

This workshop is a Hunter Open Source Club initiative, and is run in collaboration with previous and current CSCI 150 UTAs (Undergraduate Teaching Assistants).

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